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Archive for the ‘Generics Part2’ Category

Generics Part2

Posted by arrao4u on December 26, 2009

create a class in class file:

public class Col<T>
T t;
public T Val { get { return t; } set { t = value; } }

in the front end create an instance of this class

/create a string version of our generic class
Col<string> mystring = new Col<string>();
//set the value
mystring.Val = “hello”;

//output that value
//output the value’s type

//create another instance of our generic class, using a different type
Col<int> myint = new Col<int>();
//load the value
myint.Val = 5;
//output the value
//output the value’s type

example 2:

Using the code

I tried with our simple address book example in this article. Address class contains properties of DoorNo (int), StreetName (string), CityName (string), and PhoneNumber (int). In my implementation part, I may use all this properties to the object or some may be missed out:

class Address


   int _DoorNo;

   public int DoorNo


        get { return _DoorNo; }

        set { _DoorNo = value; }



   string _StreetName;

   public string StreetName 


       get { return _StreetName; }

       set { _StreetName = value; }



   string _City;

   public string City 


      get { return _City; }

      set { _City = value; }



   string _State;

   public string State


       get { return _State; }

       set { _State = value; }



   int _Phone;

   public int PhoneNo


      get { return _Phone; }

      set { _Phone = value; }



    public Address() { }


    public Address(int DoorNumber, string StreetName, string CityName)


       this.DoorNo = DoorNumber;

       this.StreetName = StreetName;

       this.City = CityName;

       this.PhoneNo = 0;



    public Address(int DoorNumber, string StreetName, string CityName, int PhoneNumber) 


       this.DoorNo = DoorNumber;

       this.StreetName = StreetName;

       this.City = CityName;

       this.PhoneNo = PhoneNumber;




// Main class as follows:

class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    List<Address> myAddress = new List<Address>();
    myAddress.Add(new Address(1,"New Street", "Chennai"));
    myAddress.Add(new Address(2, "Second Main Road, TNHB", "Chennai", 866413553));
    myAddress.Add(new Address(3, "New Street", "Bangalore"));
    myAddress.Add(new Address(4, "Second Main Road, TNHB", "Bangalore", 885634367));
    myAddress.Add(new Address(5, "New Street", "Pune"));
    myAddress.Add(new Address(6, "Second Main Road, TNHB", "Pune", 433243664));
    myAddress.Add(new Address(7, "New Street", "Gurgaon"));
    myAddress.Add(new Address(8, "Second Main Road, TNHB", "Gurgaon", 564778634));

    foreach (Address a in myAddress)
      Console.WriteLine("New Address Entry follows: \n");
      Console.WriteLine("Door Number : " + a.DoorNo);
      Console.WriteLine("Street Name :" + a.StreetName);
      Console.WriteLine("City :" + a.City);
      Console.WriteLine("Phone Number:" + a.PhoneNo+"\n\n");


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